PI doesn't want me to list my universities affiliation on free-time project
What unknown thing of the Nordic countries would you like others to know more about?
"Drunk as a coot" and other such expressions
OBSCURE prog bands?
What’s a name so terrible you can’t imagine anyone willingly giving it to their child?
What’s the most vile and disgusting political figure from your country?
What's a country that's actually doing great right now?
Vad är eran ärliga åsikt om Bullens pilsnerkorv🥺
Why don't researchers use project management platforms?
Okay Nordicks, jokes aisde. Who actually want a new union? With a unified market, economic stability and enhanced military cooperation.
What academic fields have high demand, but low supply?
Can you open the door to your house/apartment from the outside without a key when the door closes behind you?
Is it safe for a woman to live alone in your area, if no why?
When does one take down holiday decorations in your country (and when does one put them up)?
Which countries don't allow men to enter a nightclub without women?
Why does a VR train from Turku to Rovaniemi stops in Tampere for almost 4 hours?
What book or movie or TV series that you liked had a unlikeable main character, unintentionally (i.e. the author thought they'd come up with a right dandy fellow)?
How do places look at your DNA and define your ancestry? Countries have changed and people have moved, how do they decide “This DNA means this.”
Does your country and culture recognise the notion of "support animal" as something else than a pet? In which way? And what animals?
Mary Monroe- Teenage Hustler (1975)
Is there a automobile make which in your country is associated with aggressive and annoying driving?
Do you have adjectives that are specific to your country or culture?
Jag har blivit besatt av potatisar
Literary or cinematic descriptions of happy cake
Ladies in stable monogamous relationships - what circumstances would have you cross your boundaries and be unfaithful? (Or at least consider it)