H: 77 Glowing Blood W: Caps
H:15 leaders W: fusion cores
The logical next step for fallout: The Mississippi River
H: Mods (bloodied vital vampire etc) W: Caps
Do you guys get nervous at all for your races?
What's going on with leader prices?
H: Overeaters, Bloodied x2 W: 12.5K caps per
H: max caps W: overeaters
Alright more discussion today! FAVORITE BOSS & WHY comment below
H: 40K Caps W: Cool plans for building in CAMP and Junk (not wood or steel)
H: 40K Caps W: Your plans and Junk. My endgame is building.
[XB1] H: 40K Caps W: Your plans and Junk. My endgame is building.
H: Caps. W: The list of common plans in the description.
H: Mods shown + 7 Anti Armor. W: Caps
H: Plans W: Coffee or Sunshine oil offers
H:some random bits w:caps or leaders
H: 40K Caps W: To see your vendors and buy as many cool plans and as much junk for building/crafting as possible
H: Max Caps W: To see your vendors and buy as many cool plans and as much junk for building/crafting as possible
[PC] H: a scammer warning W: everybody to know it
Come back now or wait til march?
[XB1] H: Anti Armor x7 W: Leaders or Caps
H: Anti Armor x7 W: Leaders or Caps
What would the value of a Pin Pointers be? Leaders, Caps, etc
H: Two Gatling Plasmas W: Any junk besides wood and steel
H: Caps W: Bloodied Mod
[XB1] H: Straw Goat plan W: Caps or Leaders
H: Straw Goat plan W: Caps or Leaders