My boss fired everyone and didn’t even tell us
Soup for you
He Tweakin Hnn
Should I buy alcohol?
WIBTA Saying something to a parent I don’t know?
Awkward cabinet height
How long did it take you to feel like an adult after reaching the age of majority?
Why does everyone feel the need to be condescending in their communications online?
Can you tell when someone is lying?
Boy names with an X in them
What’s with the nickname obsession???
Adopting This Cutie Soon
Are we going through unprecedented time, or does every generation feel that way?
Staying with a partner that cheated is a valid option
My mother wants to a kitten declawed. How do I handle this?
AITA for wearing an extremely revealing dress for my surprise birthday party which I wasn’t aware of?
Is the show at an all-time low?
The start of today’s show - Howard’s guitar playing
Drugs, alcohol, running around like a lunatic.. This guy just said she wakes up with a bucketful of cum in her snatch.
Emerging crackie or regular amphetamine user I am in a dilemma
Comfort someone through words regarding their exam result
Did you eat loquats growing up?
Why are so many people getting sick at this time?
What's one question you asked the other person when you first meet them?
Will the US of A ever cease to exist as a sovereign nation?