How hard is the 1st sem of nursing school in Sac?
What are you doing for your kids that your parents didn't do for you?
For anyone who decided to not have children, is there anyone who regrets it?
How do I make amends with a sheltered upbringing? 29 years old but I don't feel my age at all.
How many times should I shower?
DAE stop watching a show for sometime to avoid secondhand embarrassment or another uncomfortable emotion?
how do i(17f) disagree with my family without upsetting them?
Girls with N-dads, strict and restrictive fathers, how did you finally get the freedom you always wanted?
What’s your opinion on physical discipline in parenting?
Fellow zillennials where are you high school/middle school friends now?
Nmom emailed me a gem and threatened to come to my work
How can you pep talk yourself out of feeling ugly
Fellow INFJers....are you neat or messy, or somewhere in between?
people that left cults/cult-ish lifestyles: choosing to live and move on, how did you cope with spirituality, belief in god/universe, people, yourself?
What Filipino snacks/goods should I send my Turkish online friend?
First Vet Visit
When you saw your current partners High School pictures, would you have dated them if you were in High School together?
What is a quote that permentally changed your outlook on life?
What is a hard truth you used to ignore and have now accepted and you have a better life because of it?
Does surgery feel like 1 second after you go under anesthesia?
Do you consider it toxic for parents to remove their child’s door?
8.5 is jealous of Boz and attacking everyone on IG last week