Need decor ideas to match my new chandelier!
Found in the millennial sub
Vic pride??
Providing SPED services to a student without an IEP?
A parent emailed me today about their kid’s progress….
Has it ever occurred to these parents that we wouldn’t have to do the things they’re mad at us about if they raised their kids to act better?
What do you think Australia is running out of in terms of people?
Lap/craft trays half price $5
Paint the Fireplace
Why did a server correct me for ordering a "masala chai?"
Inside ‘Teflon Joe’s’: Why your favorite grocery store is not what you think
I believe I might've given myself salmonella poisoning. I have questions.
Seeking Inclusion Questions
School staff complains about DEI names in school work
Purpose of week 0
AIO I(20M) left my ex(19F) because romance books ruined our relationship
Girl Dad to Graham 🎀
Caterpillar , mt kuringai . What is it?
A shirt patch and a question
Why are so many r*dditors such miserable people?
Good secular schools?
How easy is it to get a job once you graduate from a Masters of Primary teaching? (Wondering what the program is like and what teaching actually entails)
BI PARA questions
Oh.. now they’re just toying with us!! 😂
Can someone suggest a wallpaper that would complement this bedding?
Is Australia Ready for a Permaculture Revolution?