Supports good for ranking up
I don't think she was impressed
Absolutely lost in the sauce
Este aqui tem que entrar no mesmo hall do "Oh yeah, I'm Gwen Stacy yeah"
Estou pensando em colocar alguma coisa na parede, alguma sugestão?
A little edit my wife made for me! Hope you guys like
The servers were so laggy that I became a helicopter
Quem ai conhece, sabe se vale a pena? O meu atual tem muito ghosting, ta uma merda
[Request] What is the max distance that a giant building could be seen, given Earth's curvature?
What is the max distance that a giant building could be seen, given Earth's curvature?
Num futuro distante e inevitável, qual dupla guiaria melhor nossas sexta-feiras?
My favourite style to play as Zen
Dps passive doesn't affect mauga heal
Matéria interessantíssima sobre plantas.
Hypothetical support ult that gives 100% ult charge to ally. Who would work best with instant double-ult?
The Ethics of owning a long lived animal
We know how good this feels right?
Sasuke's Genji by Evanjiang!
Nerdcast - Desista da dieta - Playlist
Em 2021 as ações de Magazine Luiza custavam R$ 240,00 e a empresa valia 320 bilhões de reais. Hoje MGLU3 custa R$ 6,30 e a empresa vale 4 bilhões de reais. Quem tinha 100 mil reais nela, tá com 1 mil. É impressionante a destruição de valor.
Tiger loves sleeping with us after a bath
I added match history with hero play style feedback in my Overwatch app, so you can see how you progress! The app is called Counterwatch and you can find it on the Overwolf app store as well as link in comments. What would you guys like to see next?
Tiger is the strongest
[Self] This is my first-ever bronze sculpture. A little coconut octopus peeking out from its scavanged shell. Modelled in wax and then cast directly.
I love doing these jumpscares to people lol