Amazon US Seller Account setup-Non US Resident
Slept in my Dying Fetus shirt and woke up getting raped on the altar.
Does that count as shitty?
So long old 12 years I could ask for
first tattoo, 20 be brutally honest
Said goodbye to my childhood dog yesterday.
What band is this for you?
Does yours sleep like this ever?
Best orchestral metal?
Question: has the phallacy been fixed? (3rd photo is the original)
21M single. 1100 a month
Are all ACDs this passionate towards other dogs?
This big ol’ Stitch showing off his… stitch.
10/10 album I never hear anyone talk about.
What's the pettiest reason you won't listen to a band?
Non-Metal songs with metal screaming
CEO of this sub
Twitter/X Links are banned from r/SleepToken
Story of the Two Wolves
Who is THE BAND now?
What are your top 5 favorite bands/artists outside of metal?
Drop your “fluffy” ACD pics!
What age did your ACD start getting more snuggly?
What Are Your Top 3 Listened-To Artists of 2025, And If A7X Isn't One Of Them, What Rank Is It?