Dhyana Mudra hands (and legs)
Differences in Bohdisattva in Mahayana vs Theravada?
The Joy of Proselytization
How is Secular/Scientific Buddhism a Problem?
“The best revenge is not to be like your enemy.”— Marcus Aurelius [1200x1878]
Good news for fellow pagans!
What exactly does a boddhisattva do?
Who is your guru?
ADHD, dopamine addiction and Zazen
How to get into buddhism?
Mahayana or Vajrayana
Is all this mixing of politics and religion in the US ultimately going to drive more Americans away from religion?
Taoist peace rituals 道教平安科儀
My local mosque on LGBTQ
It is NOT possible to be a Buddhist and a Christian at the same.
How to create a semi "retreat" for myself?
Is it possible to be a Christian and a Buddhist at the same time?
You’re All Gonna Die!
Exploring the Pillars of Major Religions
God is nothingness or Emptiness or Sunyata.
recommendations for learning about religion from scratch
Heart Sutra study!
Are there any reddittors in Saguache, Colorado? How did it become the only Buddhist Majority county in the US?
How does your religion defines being a 'good' person?
What are your thoughts on Satanism?