Welcome back, Webttore 😄 (I'm delusional)
Should I make a mono geo team?
Genshin players, how many time have you gotten earlies and what pity it was?
Is c0 Ayato and c0 miko still good?
Would effie (aka chef girl) be a good support for Kaeya dps?
What characters should I pull for my account?
Whats a universally loved food that you secretly think is trash?
Tips for the abyss?
How do I get over this feeling
What was the first 5* you pulled?
What teams can I make for dps Sigewinne?
Recommended Anemo dps?
Unpopular opinion but you should pull for who you really like instead of meta
I wish my father would stop telling me to study
My 5 star inventory :3
Got her signature. Now what? (C0 Sigewinne)
Should I get Emilie's Sig or Xilonen?
It was still correct.
Why am I skipping meals yet ending up gaining weight instead??
Do you really need lvl 90 characters to 36 star abyss?
Do yall think I should download Genshin?
Guys, this is actually who we are gonna main in the future 🤑🤑🤑
What circlet should you put on a support?
4 star comps
Recommended f2p comps?