Im looking for friends
26F feeling alone a lot.
I'm pretty excited for the new title even if it is Love Choice
New title coming in December will be [Professional Boyfriend]
[Love365] Destind!
General Election Results 2020
[Love365] Yuki from Destind?
Back to School sale until 9/13 JST
Is anyone’s SO school online for fall semester?
School open/closed
[love365] Yuki from Destind
Game difficulty and leveling up
[Vent] My school is opening its campus next month, despite literally being in a #1 hot spot, and I’m worried
Ghibli is better than Disney
Hana Kimura has passed away (Official announcement from Stardom)
[Love365] how much is MLFK ending sets for season two normally cost?
Statements from Others on Hana Kimura's Death
Stardom Announcement regarding Hana Kimura
why does everyone hate hana?
You all should be ashamed
[Serious] What's happening with Hana Kimura?
Update about Hana Kimura
I saw this on twitter. Showcasing new and upcoming releases. Aksys Games and Idea Factory are participating. What do you guys think?