US Counties with the lowest proportion of white residents, 2020 US Census.
The percentage of Catholics in every country
Free for All Friday, 07 March, 2025
900 of 3108 US Counties are in the "wrong" time zone based on longitude.
A bluer south - What if Harris was more popular with the southern black vote?
Why did the Democratic Party nominate William Jennings Bryan three times, despite him losing every time?
Countries ranked by democracy index (2024)
Average population of each US state's Congressional districts (2020 pop.)
Most common ethnicity of White Americans by county [OC]
Laptop suddenly won't start. Only displays a black screen with expanding white lines that gradually spread out to cover the screen.
map shows how old are Czech borders!
Exit polls show that the Navajo nation voted anywhere from 50%-65% in favor of Trump. Same group that delivered Arizona to Biden in 2020. Y'all got fooled by that Cheeto-bilagáana.
OP doesn't back down against the ivory tower elitists of /r/Askhistorians who only provided them with a "philosophical feel good answer" rather than truly addressing their questions about the underdeveloped Mississippi Valley natives.
Early 19th century European conservatives hated and feared the legacy of the French Revolution. How did similar figures view the American Revolution?
Guess which state i'm from based on which states i've been too(i'm from a blue state and flying over a state doesn't count)
Percent of prisoner population in private "for-profit" prisons in the US
Mindless Monday, 03 March 2025
Someone born in the last independent Maya city-state who lived to Jeanne Calment's age would have died during the Mexican War of Independence.
Napoleon Bonaparte was born closer to the Aztec Empire than today.
Hard-right parties are now Europe’s most popular
Partisan affiliation of registered voters by US state
Evidence of discrepancies in the 2024 election
Share of Democrats in each US state
Canada Federal Election Seat Projections as of March 2, 2025 (Source: