Should I powder coat rims?
Non-Fortnite stuff. Violent news.
Is this app just a scam for men?
All cleaned up and ready for NOLA!
My niece says I have better aim when throwing medkids or a shield then i do with a gun. Anyone else?
Gangster tries to bully camera man
Victory Crown win on my 40th birthday!
My young daughter took up sewing and this birthday gift for me was one of her first projects.
Returnal - The best PS5 game ever made!
Can someone help me with this? It says the path is open but I don’t see a way through (second picture).
Is it weird?
Thinking About Buying
Almost 60 and could not be prouder…..wife was like meh…but share with your nerds on Reddit lol
Unbelievable news
Tips for sex with MDMA
Can I turn off Auto Braking?
GTA Online stinger
Neighbors Abandoned Dog
Pickleball couples
What's Everyone Playing?
Had to park next to the fellow Stinger ☯️
How many of you have left fidelity due to the account restrictions?
Which Celebrity Death shocked you the most?
Has anyone tried using exercise as a way to manage depression? I just read that sports therapy might be as effective as medication for depression. It’s crazy to think that regular exercise could have that kind of impact on mental health.
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