Ozark #A5677233 the handsome Doberman who was pending euthanasia at downey Acc has been rescued by Dobies and Little Paws Rescue 501(c)3! Please honor your pledges (info below)!
Ozark #A5677233 came into downey Acc skin and bones. He’s been able to gain weight but He is now pending euthanasia 3/12 if no rescue is found because the shelter is out of space! Please pledge to help attract a rescue for this handsome Doberman!
Final call for Rex #A5666400, beautiful Belgian whose family abandoned him at downey Acc through a county program. To be euthanized 3/11. There is a foster offer, Pledges needed to attract a rescue!!
Dahlia (formerly peaches) from Downey ACC was saved from euthanasia a few months ago and now needs surgery to remove cancerous masses from her mammary glands! We can’t let this be the end for her! Can you help support her journey to a healthy life?
Heaven #A5671851 doesn’t want to go to heaven. This young girl was found limping on the streets with a pelvic injury and needs medical care. Now pending euthanasia 2/24 at downey Acc in SoCal. She has a foster offer but needs pledges for medical rescue!!
Beautiful 6 yr old Ella #A5672936 was owner surrendered to Downey Acc. She is past deadline and can be euthanized as early as 2/19. This pretty golden retriever needs a rescue to save her life, can you pledge to help attract one?
Handsome Husky Marlowe #A5674821 is on his final plea! Found roaming an apt complex injured! Pending euthanasia 3/5 at Downey Acc in SoCal! He has a foster offer but needs pledges to attract a reputable rescue!
Melanie #A5676463 needs a Hail Mary. She is an absolutely terrified pittie who had a microchip but no one came. She needs an experienced foster! She can be euthanized 3/3 since no one has stepped up. Please help!!
Chestnut #A5668664 surprised the Downey Acc shelter staff when she unexpectedly gave birth to 7 puppies. They require immediate exit as the shelter is no place for a nursing mom and they are set to be euthanized as early as 2/14. Please pledge to help attract a reputable rescue to save them!
Jake Gyllenpaw, 2 yrs German Shepherd with the best behavior score. His time is up and he needs us.
Ultimate outdoor gal Bonnie is a 1 yr old husky mal mix looking for her forever home! She’d be a great addition to an active family and is currently located in Oregon! Large dogs, cats and kids ok!
Milo is looking for his forever home in Boise! He is with a local Boise rescue and is professionally trained! He’s a beautiful husky mix around 7-8 years old! We are hoping to find him a loving home so the rescue can go save more dogs in need
Louie is a black Labrador mix. He is overlooked at the shelter and out of time
Freya needs a foster in Orange County, CA asap or a forever home (out of state ok). She is crate trained, house trained, and has had professional training.
Can anyone foster Melanie? She is past deadline and needs urgent exit - she is very frightened and needs someone patient and experienced
Ultimate outdoor gal Bonnie is a 1 yr old husky mal mix looking for her forever home! She is currently being fostered in Oregon - she’d be a great addition to an active family with another canine!
Local OC rescue would like to save Dash from euthanasia at a shelter - he is past deadline and needs urgent exit. In search of a committed long term foster to help us save Dash! Can anyone step up to foster?
Local Bristol dog rescue would like to save Melanie from a high k*ll shelter. In search of a committed long term foster to help us save Melanie - she is past deadline and can be euthanized at any time. Can anyone in the tri cities area step up to foster her?
Heaven #A5671851 the young German shepherd mix that was found with a pelvic injury and was pending euthanasia at Downey Acc has been rescued by Green Heart Rescue 501(c)3! Please honor your pledges (info below)!
Local bakersville, NC animal rescue would like to help save Melanie from euthanasia but can’t do so without a committed long-term foster. Can anyone step up to foster her?