miracle whip
The google AI really is something huh
I dont get you guys
How do I add ILC as a school to my passport application?
A rare optic sight, the "Brocken spectre," which occurs when a person stands at a higher altitude in the mountains and sees his shadow cast on a cloud at a lower altitude
Boy's vs Girl's Club, Part 1
Mad lad loves his knife
What's that game for you?
Good Snomens
This magician traveled to North Korea and made a bunch of people laugh and smile (video from Freeport Traveler on YT)
This magician traveled to North Korea and made a bunch of people laugh and smile
dude a batman villain
What's the biggest laugh you've ever had from this show? (Pic Related!)
anyone have that one video from the borg about people who infiltrated the organization and become elders during the soviet union?
I never noticed before
Who’s your favorite character, and why?
What does the ENG4U exam look like on MS teams?
I may have a problem...
ENG4U final assignment question
make me blush or suffer the consequences
Fav one <3
This is my favorite show period
Petition to put something on top of the ace flag /j
Noticed this for the first time
I hope Ayato would share his Boba Tea with me...