Guess where this is - let’s just say it surprised me
Battery for RZ67 Pro II
Safest place to stop overnight for solo female?
In memory 1961 of 2021 Robin
Guys, how often do you wear cologne?
For Americans in the eastern US, how common is it to vacation in Hawaii?
Why do I hear crackles in my vocal recordings?
The first thing that comes to my mind regarding each US state (I've never left Europe)
Based on my travels guess which US state I am from
does my boyfriend look like anyone?
How unusual would you consider it if you met someone who lives in a state that borders Mexico or Canada, but has never visited the neighboring country?
Guess where I've lived
My current US travels. I need to get out west more.
Hopefully more places can be knocked off.
I need to take a Great Plains road trip
Everywhere I've Traveled as a 32 Year Old
What does my map say about me; and where do you think I live?
27 US States + DC, 2 Canadian Provinces and 2 Caribbean islands
46 states and all but one California county down! Going to visit the 4 other states and 1 last California county over the next couple of years.
2181 down, just 963 to go!
Every state I’ve been to, any guesses where I live?
Goal is to make it to all 50 states within the next few years
Who do I look like?
Saw this crater flying from Cleveland to Seattle any one know where this is? (Sorry for the bad quality)
Best survivor podcasts?