If someone blocks me in an argument does that mean I won or lost?
Husband had a 3 year affair behind my back.
AITA for messaging my teen neighbor to stay away from my husband?
Aita for dealing with a coworker who wouldn’t leave me alone?
Its sad people make these up. Wtf
AIO. my dad doesn’t want me to go to court
She says she'd dump a perfect guy if he had a small penis
My(15m) little sister(13f) beat me up
Oh man...
All i want is to die
Reddit mods are a waste of space.
Woman is terrified of 6'4 husband.
My husband knocked someone out in front of me and I'm terrified.
Is spending all day arguing on Reddit bad for my heart?
TIL It’s ok to give someone a seizure and have no remorse if you have trauma. 🙃
Not OOP: My husband knocked someone out in front of me and I’m terrified.
Being an ugly man sucks
Men are not intimidated by successful women, the commenters intimidaded by successful women
What do you think of this theory about men being intimidated by successful women?
my girlfriend 18F is highly obsessed with her celebrity crush
A Literal Shit post.
Aitah if I divorce my husband for not wiping his butt?
Possible borderline personality disorder (bpd)
I seriously think we need an "incel fantasy" flair
AITA for wanting to leave my wife now that I have the kid I wanted?
i see all kinds of retards and i feel better
Are the mods here playing a game with us? Is anybody else putting this all together?
What do you think the purpose of life is?
I don’t want to live anymore because of how I look
Fuuuck I hate being such a pussy and I wish I had the courage to do it
“Strange” exclusively because he’s short