How did women end up getting oppressed and put on a lower pedestal, across almost all cultures and religions in the world?
China’s domestically developed EUV machine is currently undergoing testing
Can you help with my itinerary?
Recuperando el Bosque Seco Tropical Colombiano
Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett sees Trump and dies inside
Truth hurts when you are an idiot.
This is so humiliating, even for Donald
American satellites will see Russian bombers carrying missiles taking off, bound for Ukrainian hospitals, power and transport infrastructure, and they will intentionally choose to sit on their hands rather than warn them it’s coming.
¿Qué opinan los colombianos de los venezolanos actualmente?
¿Es una inversión a largo plazo?
Sign held at today’s Presidential Address
Invertir en una barbería ?
Qué opinan los colombianos de los irlandeses? (Yo irlandés de 16 años)
Start time of school classes in LATAM countries
Skateboarding in Medellín Streets
País del mundo donde las feministas mojan cuco por un man que le pega a la esposa!
Estrés e incertidumbre
87 years ago on March 3rd, Saudi Arabian oil was first discovered
Global sales of combustion engine cars have peaked
Sali de un bloqueo de escritor despues de un año
Barberías/Peluquerías para hombres con pelo largo?
Clases de natacion?
Chain of Draft: Thinking Faster by Writing Less. "CoD matches or surpasses CoT in accuracy while using as little as only 7.6% of the tokens, significantly reducing cost and latency across various reasoning tasks"
Regionalismo en Colombia
Psilocybin increases emotional empathy in depressed individuals, study finds | These improvements lasted for at least two weeks after treatment.