Aren't the services that I offer in need, or am I doing something wrong?
400 cold emails, 1 "thanks" reply - Where do businesses actually look for automation/dashboard services?
Profilaktinė sveikatos patikra.
Maxima, o davai užsikrušk su savo šešiagubom kainom? (120 europinių už eilinę rūbų džiovyklę)
Kodėl gyvenimas atrodo toks neteisingas?
Stability founder thinks it's a coin toss whether AI causes human extinction given the approach we are taking right now
I already don't know if to believe it or not.. Amazing.. Imagine how it will feel/sound like in 10 years.. Damn. PS, the conversation is with Claude 3.6, but on Perplexity
Clause is losing its mind.
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Laukti juodojo penktadienio ar pirkt daiktus dabar?
New Sonnet 3.5 is extremely lazy, greedy and unusable for long complex writing tasks (i.e long 2-5k word long instructions).
Truncated Responses from New 3.5 Sonnet API
New OpenAI model on lmarena "zeus-flare-thunder-v2"
Quick question
Selling HandlingCrypto Domain
[OT] “The Unwritten Story” (Pages 1-4)
My own book “The Unwritten Story”, but with a creative twist (AI spoiler alert!)
Cosmic Voyager Deluxe (Browser Based, Free)