What does “Early Afternoon” mean to you? My fiancé insists it can mean before noon times such as 11am to some people?
This debris cloud from the uncut dbz series
Karen gets arrested! Yess!!!!
Tried citric acid, Isopropyl Alcohol, and Sodium Percarbonate
Only in America.
Frequent bird killings
Stair repair. How’s my plan?
Ticket Buy/Sell Thread - Post all sales or exchanges or requests in this thread!
Looking for door threshold recommendation
Father body slammed and arrested by cops for taking "suspicious" early morning walk with his 6 year old son
Is my filter “hack” stupid?
It's not always easy
Insane cop flips pregnant woman's car for pulling over too slowly.
Finished him
Finish him
She couldn't enjoy her pizza after a long day.
2 dilemmas
Are ants damaging my maple?
My tiny secret attic workspace, Copenhagen, Denmark
White goo on chicken breast?
What killed my pine tree?
Is my pine tree diseased/dying?
Send All Your Kitty Pics Please
How can I tell if this water damage is coming from inside or outside?