Jared Ridge CGs (1-3) + Speedo Date Sprite
Jared Ridge backstory
well now I feel called out
whole Reddit wrapped being about mechat is pretty fitting
Weekly releases πββοΈ
Jeremiah Totem notification
Damian Rocco notification
Damian Rocco CGs (1-3) + Date Sprite
Damian Rocco CG's 1-3
Damian Rocco Backstory
upcoming weekly releases(edited version since there a mistake on the mechat's original post)
I just want to say how much I appreciate this angle (Zakaria)
Kuno Paasche CGs (1-3) + Date Sprite
Matches Update Schedule
Kuno Paasche notification
Kuno Paasche Backstory
Items you will unlock if you complete Valentine's matches
for anyone asking: Valentine's Day event goes until February 21
Weekly Releases
Valentine's Day with some mechat faves π©·
Dugald and the desperation for forgiveness
new exclusive female match: Antonia Tenorio
Weekly releases π
Amias Date CG (individual option / not harem option)
Amias Rosier CGs + Moments with no text (Harem choice picked)