What can I put here?
What sauce is best with taquitos?
AIO for asking roommate to clean my mug that she keeps using without my permission?
How to clean stovetop?
What does my fridge say about me?
Can we talk about mistakes and regrets?
Nice but no thanks
Is this kitchen look as classy as we think?
Bathroom reno nearly done - anything I should add or change?
One viewing experience is not as good as the other
Text from old owner of house we just bought. Does it make sense?
reading nook for my son. are the colors too bright?
What should I put in this corner? JOKE POST.
What should I put in this corner?
27 m straight - what should I do with this weird spot near the ceiling?
Help! I can’t decide between all these colors! Edit: to everyone suggesting adding color for my 2 year old-I want to remind you that this is my aesthetic, so he will only be learning the colors black and white.
An outside idea for the space where I want to fill in an inside window.
What should I put here?
Is this mold or animal droppings?
are these type of orders worth it?
Tell me what to do with this space
My Daughter Texted on the Way Homefrom School During a Snowstorm
AIO for calling my boyfriend a creep bc he didn’t know how old I’m turning?
Ugly kitchen light… thoughts?
(Will be) Deactivated for pending charge
Trying to re-tile bathroom
*Pretty sure* this wall isn't load bearing?