Anybody else just get a rejection from jurgen willems?
Looking for critiques or different roles to pursue other than Business Analyst
[PC][Dedicated][Cluster][PVE]Ragnarok/Island/Scorched Earth/Aberration/OFFICIAL SETTINGS! 2x No Mods / No Tame Cap / No Pillar Spam / No Server Wipes
[PC][Dedicated][Cluster][PVE]Ragnarok/Island/Scorched Earth/Aberration/OFFICIAL SETTINGS! 2x No Mods / No Tame Cap / No Pillar Spam
[Office Depot] $100 GameStop Gift cards(and other $100 gift cards) **IN STORE ONLY** ($80/20% Off)
What is some real shit that we all need to be aware of right now, but no one is talking about?
Total Wireless - Low Priority?
Got 2 Theri Eggs
Loot Table for Crates in Ice Cave
[PC][PVPVE] Green Bay RAGNAROK, 2x All, ORP2
PCMR just hit 1,000,000 subscribers! So CORSAIR and GIGABYTE are celebrating by giving away a custom PC painted by Controller Chaos!
Sapphire RX 480 8 GB Give Away!!!
[USA-WA] [H] PayPal [W] GTX 970
[PC Server] Green Bay PVPVE, ORP2, 2x All, hosted in Chicago, IL
[USA-AZ] [H] Liva X 2/32, mSATA SSD, G3258, mITX cases [W] PayPal, Local Cash
[Giveaway] I'm giving away a PS4 and a year of PlayStation Plus! Check inside.
Legion Companion App - destroying my battery
I work at AMD. The time has come to AMA about Polaris and RX 400 Series! BONUS: 14x 8GB RX 480 giveaway! DOUBLE BONUS SURPRISE: Raja is with me until 12:00 EDT!
[USA-AZ] [H] Paypal [W] Haswell i3/locked i5
Official Chase Freedom Referral Thread
Official Chase Southwest Airlines Rapid Rewards Premier Referral Thread