No Snope or RI today in the SCOTUS 1/17/2025 Orders
Question About Pistol Permit Renewals (Non-Resident)
RE: Pistol Permit in CT Issues
Would this be CT legal?
Help with gun permit
NY, CA, MA Compliant versions vs CT
Moving TO CT with a handgun?
Vara Safety Reach 2S
Shooting Ranges for learning
SLFU/DESPP appointment?
New keltec “clip” pistol
Uncles got a gun
Why are rifles allowed to have threaded barrels but handguns are not?
If you’re in a gas station and someone pulls a gun on the cashier demanding money can you legally shoot them?
2025 CT Proposed Gun Bills
If I have a NYC rifle permit, would I be allowed to travel with it to CT to use at a range?
Snope & Ocean State Tactical relisted
M4 Outdoor shooting range | Inquiry
Permit question
Castle doctrine question
Out of state resident with CT property
A couple questions for a newcomer
Four 2A Cases Distributed to the SCOTUS Conference Today
Temporarily living out of state. What happens to permit?