Salary differentials
The thought of going into my current co-teaching classroom makes me feel sick.
Question about Salary Schedule and Experience
Salary step application : prior experience
Silly apostate pic in new WT
When visitors are in the school
Starting June 14, Broker fees are the responsibility of the owner ! Not the person looking for an apartment.
I was a ex Muslim once and preached Christianity to people but now i want to repent
Migrant Shelter Opening in the Bronx
Anyone else leasing? How much are you paying?
Video of 2 Jehovah's Witnesses standing up in the middle of a Kingdom Hall meeting and 1 says they were shunned unfairly, the 2nd one says her mom DIED after refusing a blood transfusion. I want to stand up in a meeting so badly.
Why would anyone join the JW?
Young men wearing hoods and masks - now everywhere in London?
Cop arrested for child sex abuse
Had the CO visit yesterday, what an insensitive F@$#K!
Teaching division
Punishment for the governing body
Winter commuters please share all your tricks for riding safe and warm. This is mine. Heated gloves
What's a JW memory you have that you thought was normal?
Stolen laptop?
In your country, what is an obvious sign that someone is upper class?
Z fold 6 battery drain and heating during mild usage and minimum background apps ?? Is anyone else facing the same ?
What should one watch when they need a really good cry?
I don’t know who Sabrina is but I like her drunk.
Why does nobody seem to care about Ecuador?