CMV: I agree with the TikTok ban
When to London and deflated lol
how the hell do I make friends at ASU
I just updated my game. What's everyone's thoughts on this new home screen? It gave me a jumpscare
Does anyone have a translation for the simlish on the new menu screen?
Spanish majors unite!
Gf won’t leave apartment with me because of my fit
Anyone else weigh much more than they look?
AITA for giving a guy my email?
I got a sim staying over at my house and sleeping here. How do I end the "sleepover" and send him home?
WIBTA if i tell a couple of kids to stop asking my mom for chocolate?
Does surgery feel like 1 second after you go under anesthesia?
Does A) or B) make more sense to you?
AITA for telling my mom I'm upset at her for skipping my birthday to go party with her friends?
AITA My roommate refuses to do any chores so I raised rent without telling him.
AITA for hiding my success from my wife?
AITA for only getting a college graduation gift for my 28M son and not my DIL 28F?