I have asthma and just got through training at a call center.
How bad do you guys think my asthma is ???
Guess which players where in the SKR-7, (and they still somehow lost)
PSA: Grinding the 10th star
So if you haven't heard Russia has their hands on a M1A1 Abrams so i was thinking when could warthunder add the M1A1 to the Russian tec tree !NO POLITICS JUST ASKING!
Did they change dead of night?
Hot take: The later seasons of KotH are NOT as bad as say Family Guy or The Simpsons.
Game won't acknowledge I Arrested the culprit. (At first I handed in my case and I had the right culprit but my arrest didn't count, so I reloaded and it still doesn't work, any help?)
Panzer ıv's?
I’m just curious about this new tank that’s firing flames in battles with a 4.7 rating.
Should I see the body
Am I approved or what?
Modern World of Tanks coming to PC in 2024 [Project CW]
How would you guys feel about drones and cope cages?
Is Naval Worth it RN?
Alright people tell me what your favorite vehicle to play is
Why don’t we get the other waffenträger
Gaybin when — maus chasis armed with a 38cm sturmörser
The way my boss fired me through text message
This is fire
Dude is sick after throwing up that much
Hot Take: Newbies should NOT be given access to the K-2 event and Strv subscription
US tank tree in a nutshell
I think people were expecting a low rank FV4005
376 good guys with a gun.