Brazilian funk is hot garbage and has zero elements of funk, not even to a micro degree. Shit is a joke
What is your favorite Drift Phonk song?
Help me identify this genre/subgenre/style
Shonci brazil funk kit?
LF: Shonci Spacy Funk Soundkit
STOP!! Now Tell Me Your Height!
Which eye color do you have?
Fav song ?
what are you gonna be when you grow up?
do guys think sh scars are gross?
What you listening to rn?
Why rewatch movies/shows when you can watch something new?
Tell me a random song and l I’ll listen to it (it can be anything and then lll rate it)
Gimme a song and I'll listen to it and rate it based on how emotional it made me
Why are so many teenagers passively racist against Indians?
I'm so confused about funk vs phonk
How did we go from SpaceGhostPurrp to this💀
Are teachers even going to teach us?
What's your least favorite song?
Should I tell him? 🤨
Boys ask away! Girls, answer.
Guys I think I might like TRXVELR
Am I cooked?
Tell me a joke (im sad)
I'll Make Your Username (+ Recipes)