Kidogo hard
How old are you & How much do you have in savings?
Nani alitu curse!
Maria Sarungi Released
At what age should one leave their parents house.
My mum accidentally bought airtime worth 10k
The most transparent kcse was done in 2016/17 under Matiangi
Msichana ananipenda lakini ni mvivu.
Signs you flunked the interview
Weaponised incompetence
Should I continue ?
Study Abroad Traveller
Missing you
Typical SDA Girl
Niendee simu
What kind of a drunk are you?
Adding on life lessons as I hit 30 that had been shared by @U/reborn2032
Why Do Humans Need Showers but Animals Don't?
Bid: Quickmart Voucher worth 10k
What's something that people don't understand until they experience themselves?
Waaah Hii imeenda
Today is my birthday, and I’m feeling a bit down
Kalenjin Community