Any reason why adler is the only male replika? Are there other ones?
Should I read the manga?
Abbreviated version?
Please provide advice! Why is no one attacking nexus and only focusing on monsters?
League does not do a good job of explaining roles to new players
Male patron started calling Seven Gigawatt?
Soul Eater reference?
just downloaded league
I mean lud in cos just feels wrong lmao im kidding gotta love the fiddler
Whats your most controversial opinion in haikyuu? 😃
never seen this kind of thing before, is this a scam?
League of Legends is turning into Overwatch
The problem of getting champions for new players in 2025
So I thought up at least two actors for a good Fullmetal Live Action series. Care to add on.
Swiftplay is matching me with brand new players. And their history indicates that this is normal.
Yeah, I'm thinking Prominence needs a fat nerf. (from Korean top 16 tournament earlier today)
Similar League Streamers/YouTubers?
Just noticed she was eating denji’s dream breakfast in this scene
A difficult moment for Bridget :<
When can we expect a buff for Viper? His mag has too few bullets IMO. LMK what you guys think.
Daily Item Discussion (98/119): Frenzy
I compiled data from my last 132 games into a bunch of charts.
1999 Gon vs. Hisoka. Pure 90s anime energy. I dare anyone saying that the 2011 version can hold a candle to this
If u can rework one character completely which character would it be and why?
People get bored because they play too much