Feeling pretty shitty after my Jaw surgery, can someone post an Edit that's roasting me/comparing me to something funny? Will pay 10$ PayPal to the person who entertained me the most
He makes me prove everything
🙏🏼 🌵 - Giveaway Time! - "House Spirit" - Please Read Details in the Comments
I have two questions! First, is the red on the areoles from sun stress or that copper rust thing? Also, is that enough root growth to pot the cactus?
What is this?
A Winters Night
Copiapoa. Hypogaea has a mutation happening. Anyone have any idea of what it is. 🤔 :)
What to do with dying cactus
Who doesn’t have hypogaea
How i can graft that?
Why does this graft look this way?
Found this awesome sink in Rio Dulce Guatemala
Throwback to a couple of years ago when my gf left my cactus outside during a freeze
Let’s talk soil!
Is there any saving this?
Tester post #2 testing out the flair
Seeds Sold as lophophora alberto-vojtechii but seems unlikely
Lophophora williamsii
Almost 5 years of growth 😅
I might be into something here
Ariocarpus Retusus