Anyone transitioned away from OT?
Got my saree from Lashkaraa
My coworker gifted me a cutting and it just grew its first new leaf!
What’s the most surprisingly useful small upgrade you’ve made to your home?
My first Staub
New growth!
[MOD] The Daily Question Thread
This little guy popped up through the soil this morning!
I propagated this snake leaf cutting end of January - progress 9 months later!
This stem fell off my brevirimosa exotica - what could have caused this? First two leaves slowly died and fell and now the stem fell.
Showing off my begonia! I planted this in February. Red line to show how much it grew.
Discussion Topic: Begonias - October 15, 2024
3 months difference.
she’s grown two new stalks & 4 feet taller in just a year 🥹 my most beautiful girl
People who are always hairless- how do you do it?
What was a product that you thought, "wow this really works"
What are these bugs? Found them in two different plants - they don't seem to be mealy bugs but I'm unsure
Who was your first ITV childhood crush? (Can be either genders)
My zz plant has these little tiny white beady things growing - is this normal? I've seen mold before on plants but never little white dots.
What rate are you guys locking in lately?
Should i still hang curtains in this bedroom window? Triangular room and won't be able to do the high curtains as I wanted.
Tall boy
Please help me ID! Sign said syngonium pink Thai (shop forgot to give it to me after repotting). Have two pics in different lighting
I just bought this and they threw out the name of it while repotting for me. I remember it said Syngonium pink Thai - does anyone know which syngonium this is exactly?
F/27/5’3 174lbs when I gave birth > 118lbs