AITA, My roommates mom banged on my door when I had a guy over and said “shut the fuck up”
Am I a bad friend if I don’t see my best friend perform in every one of her theater performances?
Just a poll: have you mastered your O?
What are you shamelessly American about?
Fancy (ish?) restaurants that don’t break the bank
Attended a new yoga class in a new fit, realised tag was still on. Why didn't anyone tell me :(
What style jeans do you own the most of?
Vet recommendations in the inner north/west?
Told my JHS friend I was doing “better than ever” and she never replied
The real hero of the whole series…discuss
What holds you back from starting a business?
I called a friend out for incel behavior, now he's ignoring me
Frequent twitching?
It’s the r/Melbourne daily discussion thread [Wednesday 05/03/2025]
What's your experience with SSRIs?
Women only friend hangouts
Best perfume dupe companies ?
It’s the r/Melbourne daily discussion thread [Saturday 08/03/2025]
So I walk into a medical centre and I’m like wow they have a portrait of Russell Coight… BUT…
My friend made a registry for a housewarming for her new apartment
People who react weirdly when you ask them a benign question?
CaTTo toRTurEd. WiLL hAvE rEvenGe whEn LigHts oUt.
Graduated from Yale MFA, unemployed since
How do you handle the passive aggressive, jealous or negative vibes from other women?
Most heart breaking tragedies