Any mods on pop capacity/ building grater cities?
Absolutely COLOSSAL battles
The Phoenician Maritime Empire
The great battle of Alexandreia
Crisis Led to two thirds of the population to die
Killed 500k carthaginians today
I ended up killing 1.2 million carthagianians
Can't change the resolution
Am I cooked y'all?
Tall Judea, kept playing past end date of Ironman
My biggest city!
Console doubt
Tips to grow cities?
Mod suggestions for new players
Is North Africa fun outside of Carthage?
Fun nations to play as?
Should I form Macedon as Antigonid, what are pros and cons of it ?
The end of this attempt at WC as Rome on very hard. My first try at a WC.
Is playing tall shit or is it just me?
Which budget 3x3 is the best.