My mom is threatening to send me to a group home when I’m 18.
steps of a hysterectomy?
Your piercing projects for 2025?
Angle fangs question
Did your foot size change at all when you started T?
red marks around inside of new lip piercing?
I am having a panic attack right now and I need help.
my joints SUCK
I want to start T but all this blood work is putting me off..
We need to rehome our boys
My endo said you can't take any kind of birth control pills on t. This is bullshit right?
It's hard not to feel lazy
Friend's mom was kind to us and then surprised us with owing her 7k with a time limit.
How tall are you guys? Height check!!
So annoying!
Can you kick out an abusive roommate? MN
Trans girl and unfortunate boymoder here! I'm being forced to get a haircut and was thinking of a pixie cut. Just wanted to ask for ways to 'masculinise' or 'androgynise' a pixie cut so I don't accidentally out myself.
Twin Cities Labor Laws and Fair Scheduling Act?
Full names for "Gus"
Very outdated fuse box + wiring?
boys first halloween season <3
Got the military draft
self advocation landed me a bill i cannot afford