Ukrainian Refugees in Poland show their spirit hasn't been broken!
ANKIETA: Czy uważasz, że na politykę rządu polskiego wobec Ukrainy ma wpływ ewentualne posiadanie przez jej służby (SBU) kompromitujących taśm z podkarpackich burdeli?
🥓 Kiev: very peaceful damage to the burger Patriot SAM💸💸💸
mr. beast's friend chris had it coming
Nashville shooter
Awful Feet Everywhere All at Once!
Священная война performed 1 yr ago today (23 февраля 2022 года)
this is the ideal male physique
hoes against globohomo in soho
Uznali naszą patostreamerkę
train derailment in New Canaan.
Sir, a twelfth train has derailed, a sixteenth balloon has entered the airspace, and a fortieth chicken farm has been set on fire
Images of the train derailment in East Palestine Ohio, and the giant plume of smoke resulting from controlled burning of the toxic chemicals
/pol/ish anons explain Lithuania
(pls let me shitpost).
you're all phags
/fit/izen's living space
Da perfekt broad.
раз два три
dallas, tx 1971