My first family plant photo 🌱
im at the last 150 pages…might have to call it quits
All we are saying ... if give Slugging a chance!
“We have Smarty pants at home!”
Snake oil or actual medicine? Who cares, it was delicious....
They’re not going to give me the last spark are they?
I ruined my life by seeing a prostitute
Why are Doppelstabmattenzäune not popular in the US like they are in Europe? Cheap, durable for decades, easy DIY install and maintenance
Kitchen Appliance recommendations?
They want drama engagement.
Can't seem to create a new app api key via the ecobee site
Oliver's potty training is going so good.
This moment solidified Devon as my favorite character
LPT: If you use an acronym be sure to use the long form first and then switch to the short form.
Wood Paneling - Home Office
Movies that messed you up cause you watched it when you were too young
Question about Harmony
Just a reminder:
Tobi got to see snow for the first time, and he LOVED it.
Coopers first snow at 10 weeks old
this may be stupid but can i use magnets like without qbit etc?
Mini PC as Smart Home Server
Good example of a non-prepped experience
How do you convince your wife that your smart home system (that’s broken half the time) is actually more convenient?