This house is older than the United States (1675)
Out of top 10 in Denmark now
For Ms. Markle - How to change your name in California (we all know you read here)
Finds at TJ Maxx
Should I? 😹😹
Got bears? We do
Found at TJ Maxx
I hope you like remote...
What type of job opportunities would you like to see more of in Kansas City?
As if we need any more evidence of TW show being fake, we also have this🤭
Checking in from Kansas City
House in Las Vegas, Nevada
Trump Voting IRS Employee Had Trouble Logging in at Work Only to Find Out He Was Fired, 'Trump's Destroying People’s Lives for No Reason!'
Amore Pacific Vintage Single Extract Ritual St
MAGA-Hat Wearing Lady Is Sad That Her Insulin Went From $12 Per Pen to $78 Per Pen, After Losing Biden's Price Cap
What brand of dog food should I feed my new Maltese puppy?
Andreev suspended - yikes
Is that a bed in the bathroom or is that bathroom in the bedroom?
Östman sent back down to KC, per Kraken on BlueSky
CDAN - Time to merch the kids!
As Ever official announcement by Meghan on instagram
Why Would any Sane Person Buy Products from a 44 Year Old Woman Who Giggles and Presents Herself with the Maturity of a Teenager?
She is here…
Instant regret after the first punch
Winter weather forecast this week