Dream Workstation on XProto ATX v2.0 - Much better fitting for large GPUs
Dan A4-H2O Watercooled RTX 3080TI + Ryzen 5600X // Temps + Description inside
Radiator is too big (Homemade EXT 480mm vs meshlicious)
Tesla Sales Are Tanking Across The World
DDC to D5?
This hobby sucks to get into
Oh, Snap
EVs with the best software experience
VR users show me ur Headset + headset setup
Sony FX3 Label behind screen coming off
Upgrade from Sony 24-70 GM 1
Turn 2 Images into a Full Video! 🤯 Keyframe Control LoRA is HERE!
Qual è quel prodotto che, quando vedete sullo scaffale del supermercato, vi fa pensare "ma come fa la gente a comprare sta roba?"
If a company started making fully customizable small form factor (SFF) PCs, what features or services would make you want to buy one?
Questions about F-4
Here's How The Ramcharger's Range-Extended EV Powertrain Works
Il Fisco italiano chiede 12,5 milioni di euro ad Elon Musk per “infedele dichiarazione” dopo un controllo su Twitter
I want to learn my M-2000 and F-15E Modules, is there any major bugs or broken systems I should be aware of?
Smooth handheld footage while walking etc, how?
intel i5 won. inline 6 next (JDM ALLERT)
What gps is this
Qual è la strada più bella che avete mai percorso in Italia?
Medical helicopter hit by unknown object while landing in Philadelphia: FAA
Chi sarà il primo politico italiano a lanciare un memecoin?
Uber eats driver ate my food 🫠