Lumen stans when you tell them she's mid
I wish I had a cancer or blood infection
What would it be called?
taka in my blanket
I have this picture from school. What should it be named for an album?
Aang vs. Korra debate (I'm localcharwiki): This is a debate I just went through a few days ago. These Aren't all of the screenshots, but more will come out tomorrow if you're interested.
Danganronpa Boys Tier List based on how pretty they would be as girls
More Kaede x Izuru art! (Art by me)
Describe a moment when you felt like you were “earning your stripes”
Saw this post on r/ApplyingToCollege and immediately thought of him
Why is azula’s fire blue and does that mean she is stronger than fire lord ozai was during sozin’s comet
Trading one of three shinys listed for a shiny shinx/evolutions ( preferably male but okay if female
Name this album
Dwink, refwesh, natuwal
elderly women swooning over trump.
E is for…
I think Angie might be my least favorite main student in the series.
Rating Kaede Ships (BECAUSE SHES SO PRETTY AND CARING AND DESERVES THE LOVE) and yes some of the ships on the top tier can be considered unhealthy but uhm idc
My top 5 bottom 5 tier list! (is this good enough to not get canceled?)
If you could erase someone from your memory, who would it be?
I've always wanted to be Drawn
So, what did you eat today Romans?
T-cells destroying a cancer cell