Going back to work after treatment
What clinics have you been to
AIO for cutting off my parents over politics?
Were you spanked as a kid?
First Million.
About how much would someone (me) in Texas need to save up to go to a clinic comfortably?
Kratom Detox - Best Providers?
Any people that regret taking ibogaine?
Newsletter Form Sign up Hack/Spam
Hydrogen Peroxide Therapy- miracle or coincidence?
Microdosing ibogaine to quit Kratom.
Any tips or help on how to get off kratom with ibogaine hcL
Reputable clinics dealing with massive kratom habit?
Has anyone successfully used ibogaine to get off kratom?
Ibogaine for Kratom addiction? Anyone have experience?
Anyone with an addiction cure from Aya?
What is the best combination of medicinal mushrooms for longevity/immunity? i’m looking into adding some to this daily stack
Monitoring kids texts
Monitoring child’s text messages
Dubious quotes attributed to Skunk Works director Ben Rich
Oral BPC157 - thoughts, results or advice
Vitamin C megadose changing my life?
Has anyone found a means of suppressing or curing herpes(or similar)?
I'm broken
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