Bikini alerts were threat level indicators used by the UK to warn of terrorism or war. The Ministry of Defence maintained that the word “bikini” was randomly selected by a computer.
How many sets of pump parts do you have?
What do you all do at weekends?
What is one word that people wrongly pronounce that makes your brain just wanna jump a cliff?
Toddler screams “right now!” constantly. Any tips on how to curb this?
At wits end with this f*** potty. I can’t take it anymore diapers were so much easier.
Everyone in my house won’t let me sleep
I genuinely thought being a mom would be easier.
Struggling to juggle newborn and toddler. Advice? Camaraderie?
“It’s okay for them to be bored.”
Do we like the white curtains more?
When did you remove the rocking chair from your child’s room?
What pregnancy did to my Resting Heart Rate
Petition to rebrand minivans as “Mobile Parenting Fortresses (MPFs).”
2.5 year old has bad croup and crying in crib with each cough. Advice please!
New Minivan? sienna vs carnival
Not the sexiest pic, but I’m THRILLED to have just joined the van gang!
If you were to pack a hospital bag for labor today, what would you bring and what would you leave behind?
What age did you move baby into their own room?
What are you paying for daycare?
24 Limited vs 25 XLE
2 year wait list for Toyota sienna. Any other car recos? We’re about to have 3u3
Help set up profile, QR not registering on my phone ☹️
2 week old won’t take pacifier and cluster feeds
Toddler & newborn mom