Reputable Powder Retailers
Unsafe plants to make incense with?
Open-ended Questions - Free Reading
My Christmas present to my wife this year was renovating our laundry room. How did I do?
Offering 5+ card readings
Five card or open palm readings
Help with ID
Been at college for nearly a month. Asked my parents to mail me my popcorn maker...
What’s one financial mistake you made in your 20s that you wish you could undo?
What crystals to use to get new job?
Advise Please (non-surgical)
photos have brown spots??
Tipping Bell Desk/Valet
Looking for cookbooks/online resources for protein rich vegetarian recipes to help replace meat in my diet.
Hawaiian tattoo?
Saran Wrap as a cover?
The biggest culture shock I got from moving to the mainland for me was...
Did she go too deep ?😟
Can someone please elaborate on why carnelian is such a good stone for aries?
Found this guy on my lanai this morning. I know they're invasive. What's the best way to kill it? It's way too big to stomp.
Loving-Kindness Readings
Format Question for Reading
Best shelling day ever—I nearly cried!
Cypraea (Nucleolaria) granulata granulata, or granulated cowry. Endemic to Hawai’i.
AITA for telling my husband I'd rather he take the pills so I don't have to find him dead one day?