Order taking 2 hours to get to me
I’m lying to my family telling them it’s a miscarriage instead of an abortion… am I a terrible person?
Anyone Else Can Relate?
How to help boyfriend sober up a little
Near To me CBD in 5 Points South hit with bullets? Or something else.. not sure
Wandering Eye. How do you feel about it ?
it is so terrible for me that i feel sad because i have no close friends
What is the most terrifying intrusive thought you have had?
Who was your first fictional character crush?
Person at the register wouldn’t let me use the free guac coupon code
What song leaves you a heavy heart while listening?
Was i wrong?
"Can I have your baby?" "Oh, let me take that baby!" "Give me that baby!" "I'm gunna steal that baby?"
Does this sound like a joke to you?
Im tempted to give my roommates dog away
Quick Question!
Is 24 “too young” to have a baby?
33 week rant.
Dealing with Fat Shaming
I asked for a side of steak. Got charged $10.72. Is this right?
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This burrito is crazy, video came across on tiktok.
Was I wrong?
Is this a reasonable tip?
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