Trying to create "rubber hose" style character. Can't find the right prompt. This example is from another tool. MJ gets no where close to this with the same or similar prompts. Any recommendations?
Need help finding the right diet
What’s your go to phrases from the show that pop up in your life
Discography complete
Polishing my resume, just to be safe.
Well there goes the whole ball game.
So this happened today...
Calorie deficit plus very low carb and high protein diet. 5 days a week weight training with two days of boxing a week ...I went from 245 to 225 and muscle gain...1 year difference
Progress report and Looking for advice. 5’11, 170->185. 6 months.
Have a student with one arm. How should I approach this?
Can’t seem to shake off a string of nagging injuries. Can anyone relate?
I’m genuinely embarrassed how hard this hits home for me.
28 M, 5’8 185 lbs
Need help finding my wife’s grandmas wallpaper.
Benefits of Hevy Pro
How do I manage good chest development without a gym?
will my 2g open root pass the bend test
Part II
Simple Questions and Silly Thoughts: the basic questions and discussions thread for December 03, 2024
Monday Motivation Thread
37M/5’11”/170ish-185. July-November
Why are people even surprised by this?
Pass the AWS CWI Exam
22M / 6’0 / 155-185lbs [1yr and 7 months progress]
What are some actual trades that are facing extinction?
Best way to drill these steel plates