Orange County CCW modification
3rd CCW Gun
Glock Factory Gen5 Extended Slide Stop Lever - will it affect kydex holster??
Advice please. AZ to CA.
Glock 19 Gen 3 with Glock Store Enhanced Performance Trigger
Remembering the kitties that left us in 2024 💫
Ok, lets get serious. How do y’all piss while cc?
Plan backfired. Wife actually likes "her" Christmas present. Rose out of jail.
New Slide For VP9
It pleases me that Arenado would rather be here than affiliated w/a trash (can beating) organization like the Asterisks.
On Target Range Membership Fee Increase
Just gotta admit it
FFL03 COE Timeline
Friendship Exp & Gift Exchange Megathread
What’s with the tease? Hoping to see this on roster soon. FN 5.7 MK3 MRD
AimSurplus Gen 3 Glocks (17/19/22/23)
Radian P365 Afterburner + Ramjet stacked deep
Is there a way to do the FFL03 online?
OC amendment
P365 x macro comp red dot and abdominal holster recommendations
This made me chuckle
Anyone know if they ID in UTAH to buy Ammo?
can u buy two pistols the same day if its ur first time buying?
Just before I put several hundred rounds through it.
Does anyone else CCW a p320 M18?