I dont understand how things like this get through the balancing phase
Tyler Oliveira response to Vince Vintage’s exposè
Koliko mesečnih plač je treba odšteti za nakup nepremičnine po Evropi?
Katere davke je uvedla Golobova vlada? (Resno)
Pismo srbskih študentov za študente po vsem svetu, ki poziva k protestom proti represiji, korupciji, nasilju in avtokratskim režimom.
Since Ethan wants to dig up Hasan's past, let's revisit Ethan's past (and recent) awful moments
Avstrija začela priprave za deportacijo 40.000 Sircev
Must have mods for QoL?
[RANT] Nesposobnost Gen Z
Why is nobody concerned about the streamer Destiny potentially if not proven to have committed sex crimes?
Problem levice in zakaj desnica med mladimi narašča
Poslanke in poslanci po vetu državnega sveta vnovič potrdili davčna zakona in zakon o proračunu
Weekly Question Thread
Kako bomo postali start-up država
IDLEON GIVEAWAY [24 hours, info in comments]
UPS optimization question for city block design with city blocks trains + bots
How do i produce only lubricant?
Why did my exoskeleton stop giving me speed boost all of a sudden? (its a modded one with almost no energy usage and its worked since i started this world)
City block blueprint for 2.0?
Is there a mod that shows me lines from my mouse position left/right/up/down so that i know where to place splitters in my bus to line up with my machines
I want to start a 2.0 run (after not playing for 2 years) and looking for some specific quick start mods
Telemach, again...
102 missiles fired from Iran towards Israel