The state of PF in regards to Chaotic is just unacceptable
FRU PF prog is making me depressed
What pets do you have and what are their names? My yellow dog is named Old Yeller
Logo for our game
Joining the ranks! Any customisation?
Should I hold back my July-born daughter from starting school at 4 in the UK?
Important question for the pyjama wearers of the U.K.
M4S Healer - Bro What
Fav Pokémon
I suddenly cannot remote start my Mazda without paying $10 a month
What could the next phys ranged dps job be?
Future Gadget Lab
A steam game of your choice! :3
Hear me out.... if we can't overhaul the glamour system, can we do this at least?
If someone sneezes and you say bless you. What is the etiquette if they then sneeze again? Do you keep blessing them? Is there a limit to sneeze blessings?
British company launches “AI Granny” that talks with scammers to waste their time.
What are y’all adding?
Favourite Kenshi Yonezu tracks?
Damn right he is!!
What are you unreasonably good at?
DHL detective
what do you do when you are confident you know how to do a mech but can't find a party that 100% passes it
Age Composition Ratio of JPop Music Listeners
Does anyone know what piece it could be?