Hazáig követni foglak
Why are they like this
Just found out my gf is my 4th cousin
"I just sneezed"
What’s the dumbest thing you’ve seen a dude say on Reddit?
jak him
I give this 26 hours to end up in a screenshot chain reaching to nahopwasrightfuckthis
Van valami rejtélyes tüneted vagy betegséged, amire eddig nem találtál megoldást?
Coaxed into "lolicons"
What did I just watch
Is 4b movement just the women's version of MGTOW?
Coaxed into sexuality
Theres no way this is actually real
Would you rather be attractive but 'out of shape' or plain looking but 'in shape'?
Psychopath anon
Why is it like that?
What are the core differences between the average woman and the peak of female beauty?
This is magnificent! Thug booty dates back all the way to 2400 BCE, engraved on one of the great pyramids of egypt!!
Teljesen megőrült.
It's been a rough week, but I still got to celebrate 3 years on hormones! MtF
Ladies, is not being able to grow a full beard a dealbreaker?
Out of Theodore Roosevelt, warren g harding, John f Kennedy, Barack obama, and Joe Biden. Who was the most handsome president of the US?
Wordington creatine
The issue with promiscuous men wanting non-promiscuous women is about his hypocrisy around pious conservative values