My new 7-legged friend (H. Diardi). Food related name suggestions welcome 💖🕷️
Food related name suggestions for my female Hyllus diardi?
Getting back into the hobby after a big move. Just picked up this gorgeous girl today! H. Diardi, one of the largest jumping spider species in the world 🥳
Needing a grocery/food inspired name.
having a bad day, share your little goobers
Do millipedes and isopods get along?
Safe for millis?
Just a little guy, or a terrorist?
What bug is this? located in AZ
feeling very sad in the hospital rn, send pics of your Leo's to cheer me up? :')
Do I have a lizard or a cat?
Give him a name.
Recs for books with a truly unredeemable or evil MC
Triana fans - what is your favourite story of his other than Full Brutal and GTSTRM?
Shooting porn/snuff/red rooms or Kidnapping.
I'm looking for one or two scraggly, scruffy dog volunteers to paint for practice
Little old lady names for my tiny calico
Post the last picture you took of your dog.No cheating!
Alright, I’ll give it a go. What does my art smell/taste like?
Who stands out to you the most?
Can anyone make out what they are?
Join recently. Seems like this is the one everyone recommended lately.
Alberta, Canada - only photo I could get before it flew away :(
Alberta, Canada - smaller than a crow, with very light coloured eyes.
White-breasted Nuthatch - St. Albert, Alberta, Canada