Quick afternoon snack!
What I sent the artist Vs What he created.
WTT: Wave Cannon Zero, Talon Dual Drive, More WTTF: Science Mother, ACV-1, Layers, ??
WTT: Hoopy Heap of Handmade Happiness -- filters, drives, fuzz, and more. Also boss, digitech, cheapies, etc. WTTF: offers of all shapes and sizes
WTT: Caroline, Pigtronix, TC WTTF: Delay, Wah/Filter, Looper
At least it's pretty accurate to the source material. (Not mine or anyone I know)
Restaurant locations destined to fail
Dear God the Japanese have developed two stepping
Sitting behind a kid in my painting class who’s lobes are about to snap
LPT: Drink water right after waking up to boost metabolism and improve focus.
WTT: Zoia & HX Effects WTTF: shallow water, slowly melting, black fountain, kilo/megabyte, mother, Benson delay, something of the like possibly
What PS to pair with D'addario XPND Pedalboard?
My DS-1 is suddenly much quieter with a "Duncan designed" humbucker, why?
WTT: Electro-Harmonix / Sovtek 'Green Russian' Small Stone phaser V1, WTTF: Keely Gold Star, Boss RV-6, EHX Oceans 11, OBNE Sunlight
Whats your opinion on Goatwhore
What's up with this neck? Fret under the nut? I want to buy, along with LP body. Wondering what I'm in for
I like Spider-Man and all but nah
Can someone spoil The President's Son for me
what this design is called
Left is pineapple soda, Right is booze
Help! Trying to build my first “real “ pedalboard.
Is my septum pierced too far back??
Anybody else plan their boards like this??
First Deens!
Noob question: Can you have amp distortion in the signal chain of a multi fx pedal?